Jean (John) was tall, and stooped somewhat in the way that
tall people do.
He was a remarkably strong person and seemed very healthy.
His hair was jet black, wiry, thick and wavy. His face was
`round like a coin.`
His eyes had the feature that one sees in Siberians or
Native Indians. Like that.
He had thick black eyebrows.
He was hardly ever without a smile on his face. A very
jocular man who laughed easily at life. Happy by nature.
He had a flair for languages and for music - he had a very
sweet singing voice. He was creative, maybe in terms of
artistic ability, but certainly he was able to make any
number of things from scratch. He loved to be close to
nature, had a deep affinity with `mother earth.` He needed a
lot of space to be himself unimpeded.
He was compassionate, caring, a deeply sensitive person.
He was very `speedy` - impatient, everything he did was at
flying speed. Impetuous.
He may have had a few projects on the go at the same time.
He was extremely expressive in his speech and body language.
Loved to talk, communicate.